Mental Health and Wellbeing
At Barnwell Academy we are committed to supporting the well-being of our school community. We focus on the following areas:
- Physical Wellbeing: including exercise and sleep
- Health Wellbeing: including diet
- Mental Wellbeing: including managing feelings and relationships
All pupils take part in lessons and activities to support their learning and understanding in these areas. This is delivered through our PSHE curriculum and other subject areas such as science and PE. School assemblies and whole school focus days such as World Mental Health Day also help us learn how to be healthy.
Click here to read our Mental Health and Well-Being Policy.
Meet the Team
Our designated Mental Health Lead Teacher is Miss Trueman. She co-ordinates all our mental health and well-being work across school. Miss Brown, our PSHE and PE Lead, co-ordinates Barnwell Buddies and the Anti-Bullying Team. Mrs Brown co-ordinates our school council and Miss Hammond is our Kidsafe and Stonewall champion. Mrs Orchard and Mrs Chapman help us delivering Lego Therapy and Fun Friends. Mrs Donna Hargrave is our designated Governor and supports our work.
Miss Trueman- Mental Health Lead
We are proud to have acquired our Mental Health Charter Mark.
Well- Being Alliance Team 2024-2025
Useful Websites
- Community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Washington Mind
- Young Minds
- Place2Be
- Kooth
- Wellbeing Info for Young People
Mindful Minis
Please find a range of resources to support children's mental health and well-being at home.
Ten new Super Mood Movers videos, created in partnership with Children in Need and the Premier League, to enhance the wellbeing of your class with irresistibly catchy songs and easy-to-follow dance routines.
Click the link below to access the videos.
Use the following links for breathing techniques to help calm and relieve stress, anxiety and anger.
Square Breathing
Rainbow Breath