Our Design & Tech Curriculum
At Barnwell Academy, design and technology is taught as a practical and rigorous subject. It is our intent to deliver a high-quality, problem solving focused and practical design and technology curriculum that is aspirational and successfully adapted for all pupils so as to provide opportunities in a range of contexts for children to become: resourceful; innovative and enterprising.
Design and technology is blocked once per term and taught discretely each week in a coherently planned and sequence of logical steps in order to develop children’s knowledge, confidence, competence and skills in designing, making and evaluating: structures, mechanisms, foods, textiles, computing programs and electrical systems
At the heart of our design and technology curriculum is the cultivation of a depth of knowledge regarding the iterative process of designing, making and evaluating. Children are supported to develop critical and evaluative skills to develop and test their ideas and the work of others so as to develop products which fulfil a specific purpose or function. This is often done through a topic approach where there is a natural, holistic link across the curriculum.
It is our belief that the impact of our high expectations equips children with the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully as enterprising citizens in an increasingly technological world.