Barnwell Academy

Online Payments

At Barnwell Academy we are now a cashless school. This means all payments for school meals, out of school childcare, after school clubs and school trips must be paid for online using the school Arbor Parent Portal.

The Arbor parent portal is available for card payments to be made from any mobile device including phones and tablets. To set up your account please complete the consent form which can be found in your child's on entry registration pack. Please click on this link for another copy.  Once this form is completed return it to the School Office where our administration team will create an account. Once set up, you will receive an email with a link to register.  Please note: this link will expire 96 hours after receiving it.  Please inform us at if you have an expired link.

If you are using the portal via a mobile device, please download the 'Arbor' app from your mobile phone app store.  It is now available on both iOS and Android platforms by searching 'Arbor'.



Tax Free Childcare payment and Childcare Voucher payments

Some employers offer Tax Free Childcare payment and Childcare Voucher schemes. This can be used to pay for extra childcare services after school (OOSH). Please note this can not be used for school meals.

You can continue making payments via our bank account below, however, we encourage you to use the Arbor parent portal for all your payments where possible to assist our objective of being a cashless school.


Sort Code: 30-98-34

Account Number: 52317060

 PLEASE NOTE: It is important you inform us what you are paying for in the bank transfer reference along with your child's surname.




Fees and charges

Click here to go to the Fees and Charges page.