Barnwell Academy

Our Music Curriculum

 At Barnwell Academy, music is taught to engage and inspire children to be creative. Our curriculum promotes a love of music and it provides a platform for our students to showcase their talent as musicians. It therefore increases their self-confidence and sense of achievement.

Music is taught using coherent planning and through a logical sequence. The curriculum is progressive and is designed to help children build upon their knowledge and apply it confidently through performance in class and in front of an audience. Our intention is to provide children with the skills they need to build upon in secondary education and beyond. Our music curriculum engages students to learn the basic stages of music theory and enables them to become confident musicians. Students will be progressively challenged to improvise and compose pieces of music using the skills they have learnt. Children are supported to play various instruments from different genres. They have opportunities to enhance their understanding of other music, originating in different countries and cultures.

Through assemblies and shows, music taught in the classroom is performed in order to allow children to showcase their skills, and these events help inspire other children to develop a love of music. Throughout their time at Barnwell, students have the opportunity to be taught by professional musicians a broad range of instruments. When learning these instruments, they are always encouraged to showcase what they have learnt by performing in assemblies and during other events. This allows children to develop their passion for music outside of the curriculum.

 It is our belief that the aspirations for every child to develop a passion for music while promoting the importance of music in the world. We would like the best possible outcomes for our students following their primary education. This will enable our children to take opportunities to enhance their knowledge and confidence when engaging with music in adult life.

Year 1- Autumn 1 Autumn 2  Spring 1 Spring 2  Summer 1 Summer 2

Year 2- Autumn 1 Autumn 2  Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

Year 3- Autumn 1 Autumn 2  Spring 1 Spring 2  Summer 1 Summer 2

Year 4 - Autumn 1 Autumn 2  Spring 1 Spring 2  Summer 1  Summer 2

Year 5- Autumn 1 Autumn 2  Spring 1 Spring 2  Summer 1  Summer 2

Year 6- Autumn 1 Autumn 2  Spring 1 Spring 2  Summer 1  Summer 2

Music Development Plan

school music development plan barnwell academy.pdf