Barnwell Academy

Parking Around School

As a driver you have a responsibility to park in a safe and considerate manner, if you don't you could be endangering a child's life.

Please park with care and help make the area near and around our school a safer place for pupils.

To help ease the situation can you:

  • Walk to and from school?
  • Park safely away from school and walk?
  • Car share?

If it is necessary to park on the roads around our school, remember:

  • No parking on single or double yellow lines.
  • No double parking.
  • No stopping, dropping or parking on the School Keep Clear yellow zig zags.
  • No parking on corners or junctions especially near the school entrances.
  • Please do not block the driveways of residents.


Please read our Vehicle Policy for further information. 


We are currently working with Sunderland Local Authority and Sunderland Network Traffic Management Team to find a solution to resolve this current difficulty.

Please park with care and help make the area near and around our school a safer place for pupils.

Thank you for your co-operation with this matter.