Barnwell Academy

Year 2

 Welcome to Class Two's page. 

Our Learning


 In Year 2, we read all sorts of books and think about how they are all connected. We read Fantastic Mr Fox, Tuesday, Gorilla, Where the Wild Things Are and The Spy who Loved School Dinners among others.


Connect with a Book

We practise our reading to build fluency, ask questions to check our understanding and discuss new vocabulary as we find it.

In writing, we focus on learning new skills and applying them to our independent writing each week. We consider how to use conjunctions, adjectives and various punctuation and apply them to writing instructions, letters, diary entries, stories and non-chronological reports. We also learn how to join our handwriting and focus on making sure it's the write size, using capital letters in the right places!


In Maths, we begin the year by focusing on number and place value - understanding the number system and why we find numbers in certain places. We count in 2s, 5s and 10s which helps for later in the year when we seek to apply our mathematical skills to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions. We also look at shape, measuring volume and length, telling the time and interpreting mathematical information in bar charts & graphs.

Each Friday, we use our mathematical skills to conduct an investigation. A good example of this can be found here: and here:


In Science, we investigate which materials are suited for different jobs - considering why some materials are waterproof and some aren't. We identify seasonal changes throughout the year by observing weather patterns and use this to help us identify the best conditions for plants to grow. In the Summer term, we grow sunflowers and investigate what they need to grow by comparing them to plants which aren't given the same sunlight and water. 

Other Curriculum Subjects

In History, we learn about The Great Fire of London, The Great Fire of Newcastle & Gateshead, Castles & some famous explorers. Did you know The Great Fire of Newcastle & Gateshead was actually more deadly than The Great Fire of London? Check out the pictures from our trip to see how people in our local area used to live!



In Geography, we learn about where we live, about Africa and about using atlases & maps to understand basic principles which can then be applied throughout Key Stage 2.

PE sees us focus on how to work well in a team, enhancing our basic moves through side-stepping, skipping, galloping, gymnastics, athletics, invasion games and skipping. In 2024, we even won awards at the city-wide skipping festival!


We learn all about algorithms in Computing and use spreadsheets to collect information. There are also some fantastic programming resources on Purple Mash which we use such as Air Traffic Control.

Here's some of our work on algorithms. We act them out, follow them by drawing Flanimals and write our own!
As well as learning about Kandinsky in Art, making Vegetable Soup in DT and learning about Christianity in RE, we also make sure that the children in Year 2 have enriching experiences such as visits from the RNLI. 
Check out our school Twitter page @barnwellprimary to keep up to date with us!