Barnwell Academy


 Children in Year 6 will be taking the national statutory tests in May. Children in Year 2 will take the optional tests.

The tests will provide information about how your child is attaining in maths and reading compared to children the same age nationally. Teacher assessment will be used for writing and science.

Click on the link below for more information:



Below is a link to the Standards & Testing Agency's Primary School Progress Measures guidance:


Children in Year 1 take the national Phonics Screening check in June. 


Children in Year 4 take the national Multiplication check in June.


At Barnwell Academy we assess the children's knowledge and understanding in maths, reading and writing termly. In Years 1 to 6 we use NFER guidance. Through observation and recorded work all learning is assessed in all subjects throughout the school year.  Our assessments enable us to understand what children currently know and can do and what the next steps of learning are.