Barnwell Academy

Welcome to Reception!

It is great to be back at school.
We have settled well into our class
and have made lots of friends.
To help us prepare for our 1st theme, All About Me, we made funny face biscuits.
We all helped Miss Smith make shortbread biscuits.
Then we decorated them with a funny face.
It was great fun.

Golden Table

Well done Frankie

Our 1st Reception child to win a Golden Ticket

He has had lovely manners, being kind and helpful and played happily with all of his friends all week.

He asked his friend Ethan to join him.

All About Me

We are learning all about ourselves.

We are exploring how to stay healthy, names of different parts of the body and the names of and the role of the skeleton.

We have made our own skeletons.

 Reading Workshop

 We held our Reading Workshop today.

We sang our phonics songs to our parents.

Then the parents found out how we learn to read.


MacMillan Coffee Morning

Our families joined us to celebrate MacMillan and all their hard work

We have had a lovely yummy day. Lots of scrumptious cakes and biscuits to eat.

We raised just over £254. 

Thank you everyone for your amazing support.


We have been learning all about pets.

Annabelle's mum visited our class to tell us all about her work.

She is a Veterinary Nurse at the Dragon Vet Surgery.

We found out which animals she takes care of, how she cares for them and what she wears for surgery.

It was a really good time and we had lots of questions to ask.


 Miss Robinson brought her pet tortoise, Sheldon, to school.

We were able to watch Sheldon move around the class and find out lots of interesting facts about him.

Mr Humble brought his pet dogs, Ebony and Brindy, to visit. They are long haired dachshunds and very sweet.

Mr Humble told us how he takes care of them to keep them healthy and happy.



We have been learning all about the changes in Autumn.

We completed an Autumn Colour Walk and collected lots of different objects.

In class we explored different shades of colour and matched them to our charts correctly.

We have discussed how animals prepare for Winter, the squirrel and hedgehog collecting food ready to hibernate.

We are going to help the birds by placing food in a bird feeder.


We have read stories about Percy the Park Keeper and used his big Oak Tree to learn about positional vocabulary. 


We have had great fun today celebrating Halloween.

We came to school dressed in our costumes, we all looked amazing.


We then visited the Sports Hall to see a selection of interesting creatures.

There was Fudge the Skunk, her fur was very soft.

Tank was an enormous tortoise that eats a huge amount of food.

We also saw a Milkshake Snake, a Lizard, a Gecko, a Giant Millipede, a Frog and a Skink.

We asked lots of questions and listened carefully to the answers. 


We are all ICECATS superstars.

Jo visited our class today. It was great fun.

We learnt how to play different games and follow different hand signals to keep children, adults and teachers safe.

Celebration of Light

We have explored different celebrations that involve light.

     We have looked at a Christian  wedding and  re-enacted a baptism with a gown                 and candle.

We created Bonfire Night Rocket pictures.

We made a diva light using clay. They looked really good. We were very proud of our work.

We celebrated a birthday party. We played party games, musical statues and pass      the parcel, we lit a candle and sang Happy Birthday and ate a party tea.

We also had a Divali party. We ate home made fudge, samosas and an onion bhaji, dressed in new clothes and lit our diva lamps. 

We enjoyed both parties and explained to our friends what we enjoyed most.


Anti-Bullying Week

 We have enjoyed lots of activities this week.

We celebrated being unique by wearing odd socks.

Mr Mulhern was amazing, he wore lots and lots of odd socks.

We also worked with Class 4 to make Buddy Book Marks.


Pudsey Bear Day

We had a surprise visit from Pudsey Bear on Thursday.

He told us all about his work and that he is going to be on the television.

We are now looking forward to Friday's activities. 

We had a great time taking part in all the activities at the Penny Fair.

Pudsey visited our school again to collect all of the money we have raised.


Then it was great fun as the raffle was drawn to Pie the Teacher.

Mr Lig, Mr Frier, Mr Mulhern and Mr Sadler were lucky to be chosen by the children.




 We have been learning about toys.

We have looked at toys we play with today, Ipads and Walkie Talkies.

We have looked at toys from the past, Cup and Ball, Spinning Tops and Wooden Trains.

We have compared each and said which we would like to play with.

Christmas Nativity

We performed our Christmas Nativity for our families.

It was called A Present for the Baby.

We were amazing.

Brilliant singing. Wonderful acting. Great loud voices for our words.



Christmas Party

 We had a fun filled party today.

We dressed in our party clothes, we played party games and ate a yummy                  party tea.

We had a wonderful surprise. Santa came to visit and brought us all a present.

We sang Jingle Bells to him. He said we were really good.


The Jungle

 We have been exploring the jungle.

We have learnt all about the different animals who live there, what their habitats are     like and looked on a map to find where in the world these animals live.

We have read lots of jungle story books. We really enjoyed the Elmer stories, Rumble in the Jungle and The Monkey With the Bright Blue Bottom.

We wrote fantastic descriptions of the animals as well.

                                                 We had a visit from Party Animals.

We were able to find out all about snakes, lizards, stick insects, frogs, turtles, parrots    and parakeets.

We were brave and held the animals.


Noah's Ark

We have looked at the Christian Bible and read stories from there.

We read Noah's Ark. 

We retold the story using a variety of props.



We found out that Noah's Ark could float.

We explored floating and sinking as well.


Super Heroes

 We are having great fun with Super Heroes. Lots to do.

We are exploring numbers to 20 with their city tower blocks.

We are measuring their heights with non-standard units.

We are investigating the super power of magnetism.

We are writing a description of ourselves as a Super Hero.

We are creating our own adventure stories with the Story Box and model city.


World Book Day

We have had great fun during World Book Day activities.

We have looked at lots of stories by Julia Donaldson and could say which one we liked the best and explain why.

We shared our books with Year 6. It was great having a reading buddy.

We had a visit from Captain Raggy Beard. He told us a story about a pirate and his mermaid friend called Pearl. 

We also made a new reading chair and decorated it with one of our class books,     "We're Going on a Bear Hunt."



Family Assembly ~ Reading

 What a success.

We performed our Family Assembly today and it was brilliant.

We told our families all about the stories we read, including Julia Donaldson texts, fairy tales and  We're Going on a Bear Hunt.

We showed our new story chair that we made.

We retold the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.

We performed a dance to We're Going on a Bear Hunt.




 Rhyme Time

 We are exploring rhymes.

We are reading lots of rhymes and story rhymes. We are spotting all rhyming words and adding our own.

We have written our own rhyme using our sounds from class. They sound really good.

We are also holding a Rhyme Challenge. We are being sponsored to learn 10 rhymes to say in class. the money we raise will buy more books for our Home School Library. 


We also used our DT skills to make a moving Incy Wincy Spider picture.

He is climbing up the spout and the tree.