On entry to Nursery
Welcome to Barnwell Academy Nursery
As part of our transition and to welcome your child to Nursery we have a range of on entry activities to ensure your child is happy and settled.
You and your child will have the opportunity to meet the staff and ensure a familiar face on arrival in September.
Nursery Welcome Pack
Our Nursery welcome pack will include lots of information about Barnwell Academy. In the pack you will be able to find out Nursery transition sessions and start date, Nursery session times, school uniform information, staff information and contact details including our telephone number and website address.
There will be registration forms to complete and we hope you can return these to school as soon as possible or on your first visit in September.
Nursery Visits- Stay and Play
In September you and your child will be invited to attend our stay and play sessions. On the first visit you can stay and play alongside your child so that they become familiar with the Nursery environment and staff in the comfort of your care.
At this session you will have the opportunity to meet the teacher and share everything we need to know about your child. This may include likes, dislikes, particular interests or any allergies, medication or additional needs to help us plan for the care and development of your child.
September Start
Come September, we aim to settle your children into Nursery as smoothly as possible. After your stay and play session your child will be invited to attend a shorter session. At this session your child will meet their class friends and enjoy some activities both indoors and outdoors. Try not to worry too much about your child settling in as we know you will only be a phone call away!
Nursery Transition Timetable
June - Parents receive a welcome pack
July/September- Parents return the registration forms to the school office
September - Child and parent attend a Stay and Play session (the date and time will be available in your Nursery Pack)
September- Morning nursery attend a shorter session 9:00am-10:30am
Afternoon nursery attend a shorter session 12:30pm-2:00pm
September - All children attend their full nursery session
Nursery Sessions
Morning: 8:45am-11:45am
Afternoon: 12:30pm- 3:30pm
Please note: A place in our school or daycare Nursery does not guarantee your child a place in Barnwell Academy school. The admissions process for Barnwell School is conducted by Sunderland Local Authority between September and January.